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You’re well on your way to accomplishing great things within your sales strategies. Ignite Selling’s co-founders, Steve Gielda and Kevin Jones, would like to personally thank you for your patronage of our new book,

Ignite Your Sales Strategy

Ignite Your Sales Strategy:

A Field Guide to Accelerating your Pipeline

But we want to make sure we are equipping you and your sales team with everything

you will need to take your sales efforts and success to the next level.

In your audiobook version of Ignite Your Sales Strategy: A Field Guide to Accelerating your Pipeline, Kevin mentions a number of graphical images that are in the print version of the book.

Below are the images with a bit more detail, so you can have an easier time making great use of them!


Sales Process sample

Our first image goes over a sample of a detailed, sales pipeline process. This sample sales process includes the critical milestones in each stage of the sales process. It’s important to consider each critical milestone when approaching every new sales opportunity. Making assumptions and skipping these steps can result in lost opportunities and stalls within your team’s sales pipeline process.

Situational Snapshot
Situational Snapshot tool


Blank Situational Snapshot®

Our second is the Situational Snapshot® tool, which will allow you to evaluate and understand the critical factors that are affecting your customers’ purchasing decisions.


Mike’s original Influencer Snapshot®

The third image is a partially completed version of our Influencer Snapshot® tool, which will challenge your sales team to accurately identify the key influencers involved in the decision-making process, and assess their levels of influence and advocacy. This picture illustrates Mike’s first attempt at completing the tool for one of his opportunities. As you will notice, the tool only has three key influencers on it, which is far from a complete picture. This image illustrates the importance of identifying all of the key influencers who will be involved in the decision-making process.

Influencer Snapshot
Mike Influencer Snapshot AFTER


Mike’s influencer snapshot® AFTER his coaching session

In this image, we look at a more mature version of Mike’s original Influencer Snapshot® shown in Image 3. By asking the right questions and effectively challenging Mike’s thinking, his manager was able to help Mike create a more complete Influencer Snapshot for his opportunity. By having a more complete and accurate Influencer Snapshot, Mike has a greater chance of developing an effective strategy to maximize the impact of his key advocates and to minimize the impact of those highly influential adversaries.


Mike’s Influencer Snapshot® With Movement Strategies

Now that Mike knows who and where his key influencers lie on his Influencer Snapshot® tool, we see a few Movement Strategies that Mike believes can improve his chances of winning by addressing a highly influential adversary.
Movement Strategy #1 shows how Mike might improve the Advocacy of the influencer, making him/her less adversarial. Movement Strategy #2, depicts a strategy to lower the level of influence this individual has in the decision-making process. And Movement Strategy #3 illustrates a combination approach – where Mike attempts to make the influencer less adversarial and less influential. It will be up to Mike to determine which strategy has the best chance of succeeding and how he can go about executing the selected strategy.

Movement Strategies Snapshot
Blank Competitive Snapshot


Blank Competitive Snapshot®

And we can’t forget about our Competitive Snapshot® tool, which will allow your salespeople to understand their position in the competitive climate and the decision criteria prospective clients are using to compare your solution to that of your competitors.


Competitive Snapshot With Decision Criteria Added

Image #7 shows a complete Competitive Snapshot® for one of Susan’s opportunities. Now that Susan has a clear picture of her customer’s decision criteria and how she matches up against the competition, she can develop appropriate strategies to improve her position.

Image #7 Snapshot
Image #8 Snapshot


Competitive Snapshot® With Movement Strategies

This image illustrates the various movement strategies that Susan is considering as a way to improve her competitive position.


Value Snapshot® First Pass

Our Value Snapshot® tool comes next. This image shows an initial Value Snapshot for one of Susan’s opportunities. Since the opportunity is early in the sales process, it is logical that Susan lacks a thorough understanding of the customer’s measurable and quantifiable goals. Instead, she’s populated the tool with what she’s heard – statements of needs and wants. Now it is up to Susan to convert those statements of wants and needs into a deeper understanding of the customer’s quantifiable and measurable goals.

Image #9 Snapshot
Image #10 Snapshot


Value Snapshot® After Movement Strategy

Once Susan has executed her movement strategies for the Value Snapshot®, she can illustrate not only a sound understanding of her customer’s goals, but can also show that the customer understands and appreciates how Susan’s solutions can positively impact those goals.


Blank Situational Snapshot®

The Situational Snapshot® tool will help you assess your strategic position, help with determining stregnths and weaknesses between the buying factors and how shifts impact the entire situation. This will ultimately help your sales people prioritize their actions within their sales strategies.

The green area = your most favorable position on the snapshot, while the red area = your least favorable position for each buying factor. Each of the buying factors rests on an axis ranging from low to high, short to long and weak to strong.

You’ll plot your position on each axis to create a picture of your strategic position. Once you have your strategic position, you can create a strategy that addresses each aspect of the customers buying factors.

Image #11 Snapshot
Image #12 Snapshot


Blank Influencer Snapshot®

The Influencer Snapshot’s® two-by-two matrix helps salespeople better leverage the key influencers involved in the buying decision. The vertical axis maps the level of influence each influencer has on the buying decision, while the horizontal axis represents where you stand with your influencers.

Now, it’s time to put the tool to practice, so fill it out and get a clear picture of your position within your unique sales situation.


blank Competitive Snapshot®

It’s also time to complete your own competitive analysis using our Competitive Snapshot® tool. To fill this out, remember to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the decision criteria? Identify the criteria your customer is using to compare you against the competition.
  2. What decision criteria are missing? What criteria should you be adding?
  3. How does the customer rank those criteria? What does your customer perceive as the most essential criteria to least essential?
  4. How does that customer perceive the competition? Are you comparatively a good option or a bad option?
Blank Competitive Snapshot
Image #14 Snapshot


Blank Value Snapshot®

Creating value that truly impacts your prospective customers takes strategy and execution. Let’s ask ourselves the following questions and fill out our own Value Snapshot.

  1. What is missing from your prospect’s life or situation that your solution can give to them (problems or pain points)?
  2. What goals of theirs will be impacted if these problems are solved?
  3. What specific impact can my solution have for them?
Book Mockup

Ignite Selling is dedicated to giving you and your salespeople everything you need to navigate, control and close on the opportunities.

We can’t wait to hear what a difference it’s making.

Until then, keep reading!

© 2022 Ignite Selling. All rights reserved.