5 Reasons Why You Need a Defined Sales Process

5 Reasons Why You Need a Defined Sales Process

Successful companies take a systematic approach to develop a consistent sales process. A robust sales process can help drive revenue growth by increasing the amount of time reps focus on high impact activities that drive a sales opportunity through the sales process. Too often, sales reps are not focused on critical sales activities – the strategic milestones – that help drive their customers’ decision processes. Instead, sales reps are too-often solely focused on “creating value”, expecting their customers to “see the light” and make the switch to their solutions.

Re-configuring and effectively defining your sales process could create a sustainable competitive advantage. Ignite Selling’s years of research working with the Fortune 500 companies with large sales teams has helped us identify five components of improving the sales process. Download the white paper now to learn about these five components you need to define the sales process for your organization.

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