How to Supercharge Sales Training for Maximum Impact

How to Supercharge Sales Training for Maximum Impact

Selling Power and Ignite Selling conducted joint research to understand which types of sales training sales teams prefer, and which types of sales training get the best results. This report highlights the most intriguing insights from the data, provides some analysis, and offers tips and best practices to help sales leaders get better results from sales training.

We surveyed approximately 200 B2B sales professionals, including salespeople, frontline sales managers, sales trainers, and sales leaders across a variety of industries. For the purposes of this report, we refer to “frontline sales managers” and/or “sales managers” as anyone whose primary responsibility is to manage frontline salespeople, as well as sales territories. We refer to “sales leaders” as anyone whose primary responsibility is to manage multiple territories and/or an entire sales organization (with the understanding that sales managers typically report to sales leaders).

The survey asked participants to provide their opinions on the following issues:

  1. Sales strategy
  2. Sales improvement initiatives and tools
  3. Sales training methods
  4. Collateral and tools related to sales training

Over the past 20 years, we’ve participated in hundreds of our clients’ national sales meetings as trainers, coaches and observers. When it comes to training at such events, we’ve seen firsthand what works and what doesn’t. We recently pulled our collective learnings into the following ebook.

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