Rethinking Medical Device Sales Strategy

Rethinking Medical Device Sales Strategy

It’s fair to say that medical device sales forces have encountered more changes in the last five years than they did during the previous 30 years.

Manufacturers are facing pricing pressures and the need to cut sales costs to improve margins are increasing every day. Revenue growth for many is flat or declining in commoditized, undifferentiated product segments. Overall, customers are adopting an entirely new decision paradigm; in this changing climate, can traditional sales strategies meet the new customer demands? What kind of skills are required to execute your sales strategy and deliver your value proposition?

Read our new white paper co-authored by John Hoskins, CEO of Revenue Partner and author of Level Five Selling: The Anatomy of a Quality Sales Call Revealed and Steve Gielda, Principal Partner at Ignite Selling, Inc. and co-author of Premeditated Selling: Tools for Developing the Right Strategy for Every Opportunity. Drawing from their combined experience of more than 60 years, John and Steve create an accurate narrative of the current Medical Devices Sales Landscape and evokes meaningful questions that enable you to identify appropriate sales strategies to navigate the road ahead.

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