Selling in the Brave New World White Paper

Selling in the Brave New World White Paper

Sales people have been told, for decades, that selling is about uncovering and developing needs. In our research, 80% of sales people believe the purpose of every sales meeting is to understand the customer’s needs, and then to link their solutions to these requirements. Most sales people work under the assumption that this conventional wisdom still applies. While most organizations will still train their teams on a standard sales methodology based on uncovering needs and matching solutions, not many are asking questions with Strategic Intent that would help them identify opportunities to help move the customer along in their sales process.

How were budgets being established? How was the decision to buy, going to be made inside the client’s organization? Who were the key influencers, or what decision criteria would they use to make the decision? These simple yet necessary questions give the Sales Teams strategic insight and help them in establishing critical milestones that broaden their contact network, identify possible barriers, shorten their sales cycle. Selling with Strategic Intent facilitates successful sales meetings that can help Sales Teams move the opportunity forward efficiently.

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