Emerging research from the fields of cognitive science and human performance technology are yielding data, which could have profound effects on how sales training gets designed and delivered. Adult learners – and especially millennials – need physical stimulus to stay engaged. Given what the data seem to be showing us, then, it is unrealistic to expect a group of extroverted sales reps to sit passively in a classroom with “death-by-PowerPoint” playing before them. It is probably even more unrealistic to hope that they derive any real performance improvement from experience.

For the smart and savvy professional sellers, sales training programs need to take a more personal and interactive approach. For one example, instead of organizing content delivery around a PowerPoint deck, many forward-thinking organizations are organizing sales training around small-group-based Learning Maps, which suits multiple learning style preferences (i.e., visual, auditory, and kinesthetic). Download the white paper now to learn about the four reasons why a smarter and more interactive learning program is best for your team.